Bringing S.A.C. to the West Coast
I’ve started offering a new healing modality called The Spiritual Alignment Connection and this is something that I am really excited about!
My first experience with S.A.C. was in the summer of 2010 while I was in New Brunswick and I was amazed by the healing power behind this modality. I knew right then that I wanted to learn how to give the S.A.C. treatments.
When I was finished the 5 sessions that are included in the S.A.C. treatment I felt different right away. The treatments themselves were nothing like I had ever had before…I could feel the energy swirling around me and was completely different to anything I had felt before. Over the weeks and months that had followed my sessions there were many changes in my life.
My intuition and psychic abilities increased, I was able to make decisions MUCH easier and chose to live my life the way I wanted to. I lost over 30 pounds and felt more vitality. I had more confidence, spoke my truth more, and really started to open up as a healer and a psychic. Most importantly, I was able to let go of a lot of the past that I was holding onto. Things that were triggers for me before the S.A.C. were no longer issues in my life. It was and is really great.
It’s been almost 3 years since my first set of S.A.C. treatments and I can tell you that my life has completely changed for the better. I am so much happier and I enjoy life now. Hey, I know life sometimes throws curve-balls, but with those curve-balls comes a new set of eyes. The perspective I take into dealing with difficult situations is completely different now. I am a different person. I am living proof that this healing modality works.
After my experience with the SAC treatments, I knew that I wanted to bring this amazing healing modality to the West Coast. Now, after over 2 years of personal mentoring by my teacher Geoffrey McLatchie, I’m super excited to be offering SAC treatments to my clients, friends and family here in Maple Ridge, BC as a fully certified SAC practitioner and teacher. I am truly blessed and humbled to be able to hold space for an opportunity of such powerful personal growth for people.
If you have any questions or are interested in receiving the S.A.C. Treatment, please contact me.
Free Reiki for Children
Reiki is such a wonderful way to connect to, clear and balance our energy. For those of you that have regular sessions done, you know the benefits of Reiki and notice how great you feel after the sessions. Energy clearing/healing is just as important for our children as it is for us.
Our children are dealing with stress and emotions just as we are. The stresses may not be the same, but in their world it is stress. Just like us, they can internalize the stress or emotions. Also, just like us, they will learn how to manage and process the stress/emotions like we did. By learning through example from our parents. As parents, it’s important to become aware of how we are dealing with and expressing our stress or emotions. When there is an audience at home, that is learning from us, this can be a challenging feat.
I really do believe that parenting is one of the hardest jobs out there. It can also be one of the most rewarding. What I would like to do to help parents along their journey with their children is to offer a Free Reiki Workshop for children under 14. What is this exactly?
What I will be doing is setting up, on a regular basis, a one day workshop where you can bring your children in to have a Free 20 minute Reiki Treatment. The first one will be held on January 5th, 2013 in Maple Ridge, BC, Canada. There is a limited amount of space available and is offered through my online scheduler. As their parent, you will be present for the duration of the treatment with your child. If you have any questions, please contact me here.
You can register your child/children here:
Balancing The Chakras With Gemstones
Working with gemstomes is a great way to balance your chakras. They are believed to have the power to open, close and rebuild damaged chakras. You can use them on a solitary basis or combine the use of them with any of the healing modalities you have in your tool belt.
Each of the seven major chakras have one or several gemstones associated with them. It is important that when you are using gemstones, that you learn to clean, clear and program your stones, which should be done on a regular basis.
When you first choose your stones, from a trusted seller, one of the first things you will want to look at is clearing and cleaning your stones. Since they may have traveled many miles and have been through many hands, it’s important that the stone you will be using is clean and clear. They will then be ready for programing.
When using them for clearing or healing the Chakras, they are generally placed directly on the Chakra points but may be placed around the body to increase the flow of energy. One thing to keep in mind is that they should never be placed on open wounds.
When we work on balancing our Chakras, this allows for a release of excess energy, redistribution of energy, or even an energy boost. People that balance their Chakras on a regular basis often report increased energy, improved sleeping patterns, balanced emotions, and live a more positive fuller life.
If you are interested in learning about which gemstones are perfect for the seven major Chakras as well as other ways to clear and balance your Chakras, subscribe to my Intuitive Insights Newsletter here.
Are There Enough Clients For All The Healers Out There?
We are all unique.
We all have gifts and talents that differ from each other that make us unique in what we do and who we are. One of the things that I believe in and have told my clients, friends and family is that when picking a healer / mentor / intuitive; pick someone that you resonate with. Choose this person because you are drawn to them, have a feeling of familiarity, trust, or comfort with them.
You might not even know why you are drawn to that person in that moment, and this is OK. By being true to who you are, and allowing the process of finding your healer to happen, elevation happens. You open yourself up to new possibilities, healing and vibrational elevation/evolution.
Don’t rob yourself of this experience.
Which takes me back to the fact that we are all unique.
We all have gifts and talents that differ from each other that make us unique in what we do and who we are.
I create an environment and surround myself with people that are supportive and celebrate our success. The competition we create is within ourselves, not with others. I don’t believe in fear based competition.
I believe there are enough clients for all the healers out there and there is a perfect healer for every client.
My clients come to see me because I offer something different, something that they are looking for and resonate with on a soul level. It isn’t because of a flyer in the mail, a coupon or discount. Not because my rate is higher or lower than others. Not because I am better or worse than others.
For example, if you don’t want to make changes, take 100% responsibility in your life and what you have created thus far, have ulterior motives or are looking for a way to entertain yourself, then I am probably not the right intuitive healer for you.
I can help you get to where you need to be, to help you find yourself, and give you clarity on all aspects of life. I can help you raise your vibration, release your limiting beliefs, and lead a more positive fulfilling life. If that is what you are looking for, then I am most likely the right healer for you.
Every client and healer is at a different stage in their evolution. It is important to find one that you resonate with, so they can help guide you in your evolution.
Ella Henderson…
Came across this You Tube video of an audition for the UK X Factor. She reminds me of Adele a little and the story behind the song she wrote was lovely.
I love how she is 16 and has the guts to live her life with passion and follow a dream. What are your thoughts?
Happy Monday everyone!
Looking To Lose Those Limiting Beliefs?
How many of us make resolutions we don’t follow through on? Or want to make changes in our lives but can’t seem to get there. Life happens right? We get busy with work, family, errands, exercise and other time consuming chores. But is it really just life? Could we be making decisions in our lives that are distracting us from what we really want? Decisions that keep us caught up in the routine of daily life?
Many of the clients I see have limiting beliefs they want to change but don’t really know where to start doing that. There are affirmations that we can work on integrating into our conscious mind but how do we get to our subconscious and really make changes that stick? Should we be hoping that these changes take place? It would be better to know that we are accessing the part of the mind that really matters when it comes to concrete changes in our lives.
It’s great to integrate affirmations into our lives, but the traditional ways of doing so only accesses the conscious mind which is responsible for a very small (less than 10%) portion of the decisions we make. The subconscious mind is where we hold most of our beliefs and the ways of properly accessing this part of the brain are few and far between.
Limiting beliefs are those that hold us back from what we want. Most of the time they are completely irrational and reside in our subconscious mind. In a lot of cases the specific subconscious limiting belief that is actually holding us back is something we wouldn’t dream in a million years would be responsible for holding us back. Why? Simply because the subconscious mind isn’t the rational part of the mind. It is sensory thinking…visual, auditory, feelings. That is the language of the subconscious. So, lets talk that language then!
Over the past weekend I was given the opportunity to learn that language. It is something that my husband has been trained in for years now and we both love this tool. It’s a tool called PSYCH-K and I just love what it does! Up until now I would refer my clients to my husband when they wanted to change their beliefs and some would take him up on the sessions, but over the past while I’ve really been drawn to this tool and many of my clients have asked me if I could start to do it. So, I listened!
I am now integrating PSYCH-K into many of my healing sessions as well as offering them on their own. In the past week I’ve had clients already see changes, which is something that I just love to see! Exciting stuff!
If you are interested in a session or if you have any questions about PSYCH-K, feel free to contact me!
Reiki Level One Class and Summer Workshops
I have decided to put on a few more workshops this summer, one of them being a second Reiki Level one class.
Wishing everyone a great summer filled with sun, fun and lots of personal growth!
Embracing Your Truth; A Workshop On Spiritual Development
Reiki Level One
Available to 4 students, this level one Reiki class will provide a deep understanding of Reiki and the importance of the Self – Healing energy this level brings.
We will discuss the history of Reiki, as well as learn self healing techniques and hand placements. There will be a relaxation meditation taught to help you on your way. You will also receive your first attunement, which includes the first powerful Reiki symbol.
Students will be given practice time to become comfortable with using the first symbol and the strong energy it harnesses. We will practice self healing as well as healing on others.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
10am until 4pm
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
Intuitive Development Sessions
I have decided to offer a 4 week program dedicated to Intuitive Development for a group of like-minded people. During the 4 weeks, we will practice meditation, look at clearing emotional and physical pain, learn how to clear chakras and discuss the importance of balance within your life. There will be exercises to help develop your abilities as well.
You must begin to live as your “true self” and these sessions will help you do that. You will receive tools to help you open up to your abilities with regard to your intuitive development and get your onto the path that the Universe has laid out for you.
Only register if you can commit to the 4 sessions, which are being held in Maple Ridge from 6.30-8.30. The cost is only $40 per session payable at the beginning of each session.
August 7, 14, 21, 28
Numerology with Carole McLatchie
***This Guest Posting is brought to you by Master Spiritual Numerologist Carole McLatchie***
People want to know who they are and why they are on this earth. We need help to learn what our Major Lessons are. One of the best ways to do this is to have a Numerology Chart prepared.
Numerology is the science of numbers or vibrations – everything is made up of vibrations. This universal law applies to people as well as things and it can be used to determine a great deal about individuals. Every number carries its own vibrational influence and its own characteristics. As a Master Numerologist, I use rules and formulas to determine how these influences come into play in our lives. Numerology gives us a mirror to the soul and we find all the experiences life can present.
Our numbers reveal a direction, a map for achieving happiness and success in our lives. Numerology provides us with the opportunity to see ourselves better, to realize what talents and abilities we possess, what our limitations are, what we are here to do and how best to accomplish our destiny. We can learn about situations and people, what forces rule us, what our greatest area of power is, the cycles of our entire life and the vibrations governing them, our challenges, what each year holds in store for us and what is best for us to do and not do.
Not only can Numerology tell us these things about ourselves, it can also tell us the same things about the people in our lives. Through Numerology parents can understand why their children behave as they do and can therefore handle them more effectively and help them as they grow and develop.
Numerology is a tool that can be used to help achieve greater harmony between you and those you love. No matter who you are or what you are doing. Numerology can be used to better your life and your relationships with others. The Charts I prepare, bridge the best of two worlds – the material and the spiritual. By teaching others to attune themselves to the highest aspects of every vibration, there really is no limit to the heights we can achieve. We each have the ability to be anything we wish and Numerology can help to show the way for reaching our goals.
Carole lives in Cocagne, New Brunswick and prepares charts for people all over the world. She is a Reiki Master, an Intuitive, a Master Spiritual Numerologist and a “Modern Day Goddess”. In conjunction with her intuitive powers, she incorporates the tools of a Numerology Chart to help promote insight within individuals and their life situations.
To receive a chart from Carole, you can contact her through her website, Spiritual Rejuvenators.
Reiki Level One Class Available
**This Class Now Full**
Available to 4 students, this level one Reiki class will provide a deep understanding of Reiki and the importance of the Self – Healing energy this level brings.
We will discuss the history of Reiki, as well as learn self healing techniques and hand placements. There will be a relaxation meditation taught to help you on your way. You will also receive your first attunement, which includes the first powerful Reiki symbol.
Students will be given practice time to become comfortable with using the first symbol and the strong energy it harnesses. We will practice self healing as well as healing on others
Sunday, July 8th, 2012
10am until 4pm
Location: Maple Ridge, BC
How To Create A Fulfilled Relationship
Over the past year I’ve become more aware of how I want to handle the relationships within my life and one of the most important aspects of a healthy balanced relationship is healthy balanced communication. What is healthy balanced communication? From my opinion, it is a person communicating their needs constructively from a whole brained balanced state.
There are many different ways to communicate to your loved ones, and unfortunately many of us only communicate our needs when we are angry or hurt. We usually do this in the heat of the moment, which from my point of view isn’t the best time to communicate. We hold things in and bottle them up rather than dealing with what IS at the time it happened, which leads to emotional explosions. We get angry, or sad, depressed and many of us don’t ask the simple question of why? Why are we feeling that emotion? What was the trigger?
One of the first things we can learn to do is to become more aware of why we feel the way we do. What is making us upset, angry or sad? Where does that come from? Is that an old trigger from the past that we haven’t dealt with? Is it something that is reoccurring that we need to look at? How can I look at the emotional event in a whole brained way? What can I learn from it so that in the future I know how to communicate what I need, when I need it, and in a constructive way?
Yes, it can take work and time at first to become more aware, but it is work that pays off in the end.
Once we have started becoming more aware, it allows us to become more clear on what we want out of our relationships. We can then look at what we have and what we would like to improve. The best way to improve on what we have, is to communicate to our loved ones what our needs are. I’m not talking about telling or demanding to you partner what you want, nor trying to communicate how it needs to be in the heat of an argument. Really, the best scenario would be for the two of you to sit separately and become clear on what you want out of the relationship, then come together, listen to what each of you have to say, and then communicate on how you can both work together towards building a positive, supportive relationship. This is the basis of any relationship, whether it be with a partner, family member, or friend.
It isn’t about sitting there and talking about what you aren’t getting, re-hashing an argument from 12 years ago, or telling the other person what they need to do. Yes, it is important to recognize the past, learn from it, and move forward. Many of us get stuck in the past though. We can’t change the past. We can only change the present moment. Work on the present moment so that you can change the future.
What do I mean by constructive communication or whole brained communication? Well, it is communicating with someone else on a balanced level. I don’t want to say without emotion, but it is in a state of mind that isn’t emotionally triggered. So, we aren’t angry or hurtful or sad or crying or even from a state of submission where we we feel below the person we communicate with. It’s a balanced state of equality, and it comes from a place of love. I feel that communicating with love is paramount.
I’m not talking about telling them you love them and by showing them affection while you communicate. It comes from place of being, and for many people it requires work to get to that state. However, the more we practice being in that place of love and living in that state, the easier it is to get there. Practice self love, compassion and non-judgement. These are the emotions that get you to that state, from my opinion. From that state of being, you can begin to manifest the relationships you want and the communication you use to get there.
To book a personalized session with Drea on improving the relationships in your life, click here