Want Some Inspiration?
Watch this video. You will find that the excuses holding you back will vanish.
In Person Readings In Moncton, NB
I am currently in Eastern Canada for the month of May and I am available for In Person Readings!
My rates will be the same as what is posted on the site and I have a private space available to use while I am here. I can also travel in and around the Moncton area, if you are looking to get a group of people together for readings.
Please contact me for further information.
Goodbye Sophie Mae
My 15 year old cat passed away yesterday. It’s interesting how one get’s used to a soul being around you, even if it is in the form of a little black furry thing.
She was a quirky little cat that kept to herself a lot, but when it was just her and I around, she would demand my attention and want love. She would also demand my attention when she wanted food…hehehe. She wasn’t a dog person, but I think that was because they scared her. Some people might remember her as being anti-social or unfriendly, but deep down she was a snugglie little fur-ball that couldn’t really see well.
Sophie was very much a part of our family, a loved one that will be truly missed.
Questions For Drea?
Just recently I was thinking about updating my About Me page, and that led me to wonder about what people wanted to know about me…
So, I thought why not open it up to you, my readers, to submit any questions you have! Are you wondering anything about me? What would you like to know about me?
With those questions I will write up a new post with answers and then do an updated About Me page. I think it is a fun idea! Would love to hear your thoughts…and questions!
Love Is All You Need
This month is all about love and Valentine’s Day. We focus on showing love for spouses, family and friends, but what about love for ourselves? Maybe we can think about showing ourselves a little more love and kindness!
Many of us struggle with self-love and really focusing on ourselves and what we need. How often do you get time to sit down and think about how great of a person you are, and what you have to offer the world? Instead we go about our day beating ourselves up, criticizing what we do and second guessing every move we make. It’s time to be kind!
Are you searching for love outside of yourself? How many times have you thought or said, ” I wish my husband (or significant other) would show me more love…would be more romantic…would compliment me more…?”. Yes it’s nice to receive love and compliments, but ask yourself if this is where your sense of security and self-worth is stemming from? Why is it that you hope and wait to hear compliments from others, but not give them to yourselves?
But how do we love ourselves? How do we change this? We first become aware of what our thoughts are. What we are thinking about ourselves is very important. If we are constantly beating up on ourselves, stop and ask why. Where is this thought coming from? What is the belief around it? Has someone said this to you in the past, and you have adopted this belief as your own?
Start looking at where in your life you are feeling unsatisfied and start making changes. Do you work at a job that you hate? Do you have relationships that don’t bring value to your life? What are your passions? What do you love to do? Why aren’t you doing the things you love to do? What is stopping you?
Yes, there are many questions to ask ourselves and sure, some of them are tough to find the answers for.
How long can you keep avoiding looking for the answers and keep living a life that you are unhappy with? How much time will pass by before you realize that receiving love from others REALLY starts with you loving yourself unconditionally?
What are you waiting for?
To book a session to help you on your path…contact Drea.
Photo Of A Ghost?
A good friend of mine went to Montreal, Canada on a trip and she came back with an interesting photo!
She and her husband were in their hotel room at the time the photo was taken. She happened to be in the washroom, and her husband was taking pictures of the room with his digital camera. Their hotel was located beside an old church within Montreal. We aren’t really sure what to make of the photo, so I thought I would post it here and get some feedback!
Would love to hear your thoughts!
Free Mini Email Reading
***I now have enough email readings, if you would like to sign up for phone/in person readings in the future, see below***
I am looking for a few people to submit 1 or 2 questions and a picture for practice readings for a few students I have.
I am currently mentoring a few people to develop their intuitive abilities and I would like them to start practicing with email readings. These readings will happen over the next month or two, so the ideal candidate would need to be patient with receiving their answers back.
If you are interested in receiving an email reading from one of my students, please contact me here.
If at some point in the next 6 months you are interested in participating in a practice phone or in-person reading with one of my students, please contact me here.
Looking To Create A Happier You?
Something to focus on in the New Year for yourself is finding some alone time.
I recommend spending at least a couple of hours a week just being by yourself doing whatever it is you enjoy. Most of us lead very busy lives and with that it is really important for you to find time to recharge yourself, away from family and friends. Reading a book, setting new goals, meditating, exercising, or even going to a movie. Turn off your phones, stop texting and just be with yourself.
I really struggled with my alone time at first. It felt uncomfortable! I really felt like I was doing something wrong, that I didn’t have time to sit around and do “nothing”, so to speak. The more I practiced being alone, the better I felt. I felt calmer, more productive and was able to focus on being in the moment more. I set time aside to decide on what I wanted out of life, what my goals were, or where I wanted to go.
Sure, you have kids, and work and life. And yes, it gets in the way. But, it gets in the way because you allow it to. Mom’s feel selfish for taking time for themselves, or feel like they have to do everything and not relinquish the control and let their partner help. So what if they don’t do the task the same way you do? Does it have to be perfect? Tell me which lesson for your children is more important? Seeing Mom or Dad taking time for themselves to better themselves as an individual and seeing them feel more fulfilled and live their lives with purpose. Or seeing Mom and Dad stay the same year in and out, leading a life based on what they “think” they want, not taking time out to re-evaluate themselves because they are too busy keeping up with the Jones’.
It’s time to stop keeping up with the Jones’ down the street and start living your life happy and fulfilled. It doesn’t matter that your house doesn’t look perfect all the time, just in case someone happens to stop by. Or that your in-laws might think that you aren’t doing “it” just right. Time to stop worrying about what others think, and start thinking about what you think!
Tell me, what do you think? Do you think? Do you wonder about what is out there for you? What your passions are? How you can connect more with what makes you happy? What are your hobbies? What do you like to do? These are just some of the things you can start thinking about while taking your alone time. It’s time to start living a more fulfilled life!
Some of us can start implementing a change quite easily and just find 3 hours in a day to start life changing things. I wasn’t one of those people. My husband can do that, but I couldn’t when I first started out with “me time”. This is why I am a firm believer in baby steps. Start small. Start with 30 minutes once a week if you have to. And make the task simple, like reading a book that is sitting on your shelf collecting dust. It’s important for you to carve that time out, and schedule it if you have to. Then move the time up to 60 minutes and ramp up the activity. Even if you have to start with 10 minutes, do it. Take 10 minutes to yourself. Not to check email, or phone messages or write a grocery list. Take 10 minutes and write in a journal, or listen to music or sit quietly alone. Everyone can find 10 minutes in their schedule.
Schedule the time to yourself and prepare yourself for the excuses to pop up, because they will! One of the kids got sick and needs to go to the doctor. You mother in-law has to stop by. Work wants you to pick up an extra shift. It doesn’t matter what the excuse is. If you are serious about improving your over all well being then schedule your time, maybe in a quiet part of the day and when things “pop” up, schedule around it.
Your future self will thank you for it.
Looking For Purpose, Passion and Change This New Year?
Happy New Year!
2012 is all about new beginnings, new chapters and personal transformations. If you have been thinking of change and growth in your life, this is the perfect year to do it! It’s time for you to find purpose and connect to who you are and why you are here. For some of you, the road might not be apparent or easy to find. Remember that it isn’t about how to get there or where the road is, but more about just putting one foot in front of the other and just starting to walk. The direction you take will most likely surprise you!
I’ve been thinking over the past couple of days about the energy that we are moving into this year and it is very exciting! There will be a lot of movement happening all over the world. I started to wonder about what I could do to help people get onto their path a bit easier. To give you a bit of a jump-start if you are looking for change and purpose. I came up with something that I’ve started implementing with some family and friends and I thought I would share the idea with you.
To New Beginnings!
What I would like to offer to anyone that is interested in changing their lives, finding more purpose, happiness, love and gratitude, is a series based healing/intuitive package. These sessions with be completely tailored to you as an individual and will be as unique to you as you are to the world! They are really all about helping you find what you need to get you to move forward in the New Year.
You will start by committing to 8 sessions, one per week, at 30 minutes in length. I want to help people move forward and take that first step, so I have really kept the cost to you very affordable. Per session, the cost will be $20 and your total commitment over the 8 weeks is $160.
It’s a great time to start to make changes in your life; an exciting time for transformation and growth.
I can help you get there.
Best wishes for a prosperous 2012! I wish you all love, happiness and health in this New Year!
Komyo Reiki Level Three
Over the weekend I took my Level Three Komyo Reiki class and it was great! It ended up being a small class, but a very interesting class at that!
In the level three class you receive your 4th symbol (Master symbol) and it is more of a spiritual based class vs the prior classes, which had more technical information. I am really looking forward to helping clients using this new level of Reiki!
I was at a Reiki share last night, which gave me the perfect opportunity to use the new symbol and energy that surrounds it. I myself could feel a difference in the energy and the people I worked on spoke of feeling the energy coming through me, which was neat! Love to hear feedback! The Reiki share is hosted once a month in the Surrey, BC area and it is such a great space to practice using the energy.
Some of the things you can use Reiki for are:
- Stress and tension reduction
- Lowering anxiety levels/blood pressure levels
- Helps to relieve pain
- Clears energy blockages which can lead to illness in the body
- Supports the immune system, clears out toxins
- Aids with spiritual growth and helps with emotional clearing
If you would like more information on having a Reiki Session, please feel free to contact me. If you are interested in sharing the gift of Reiki with family and friends this Christmas, please take a look at my gift certificate option.