Looking For A Unique Christmas Gift This Year?
Looking for something unique and different to give to family and friends this Christmas?
Consider the gift of insight or healing!
I am now offering gift certificates for my Psychic Readings and Energy Healing Sessions.
What’s more, as my gift to you, I am offering $20 off each of my Christmas Certificates, which means you can now purchase a one hour Psychic Reading Certificate or Energy Healing Certificate – valued at $85 for just $65. If you are interested in a 30 minute session, I am offering $10 off each of my Christmas Certificates.
Shipping is available to you (at a minimal cost), as well as having a digital version you can print yourself.
One Hour Christmas Certificate
Thirty Minute Christmas Certificate
Looking For Change? Weekly Discussion Group Available!
I’ve been toying with the idea of starting up a free weekly discussion group for some time now and I’ve finally decided to throw it out there! I haven’t ironed out all the details yet, but I really wanted to hold space for anyone interested in personal growth, empowerment, positive energy and fun. This will be an open safe space where you will be able to explore your own thoughts and beliefs and make changes to your life for the better.
Topics will range and change on a weekly basis but will be within the areas of Wellness, Personal Growth, Self Empowerment, Natural Health, Intuitive Development and Spirituality.
I’ve decided to host these groups on Wednesday from 730pm – 930pm, starting November 23rd in my home in Maple Ridge. If you are interested in joining me, please email me for further details.
A Quick Meditation Tip!
Many people ask me for tips on how to meditate or for an easier way to meditate. I thought that I would share a great tip that has helped you on your way to a more fulfilling meditation session.
A lot of people try to start meditating with their eyes closed, which can prove to be difficult because distractions will start to creep into the mind. One thing you can try doing is to light a candle and use it as your focal point. This will allow you to strengthen and lengthen your attention span and once you are able to hold your attention only on the light, then move onto trying to meditate with your eyes closed.
For more great tips as well as hands on practice, check out my next Meditation Workshop which has a few spots left! Email me to reserve your space now!
An Evening Of Clairvoyance
Looking for answers? Interested in knowing about past lives? Would you like to know the best way to connect to your intuitive abilities?
Join me in an evening of readings, relaxation and fun!
In this 2 hour session enjoy group demonstrations of clairvoyance, past life connections, medium-ship and more. We will also touch on the different “Clair’s” and how you can use them to better your everyday life. Secure your spot now as space is limited!
November 16th, 2011
7pm to 9pm
**Visit my workshop page for date changes on my new workshops!**
Three Effective Ways To Create A More Positive Life
A lot of us want to create more positive energy in our lives and be surrounded by more positive people. So why is it that negatives things still happen, even with those things happening over and over? Why is it that the people around you seem to be negative and bring you down? Why can’t you create that positive lifestyle you want and deserve?
There are many different reasons why you could still be reaching for that positivity that’s missing. One of the biggest reasons is usually based on your belief system. A lot of people feel that they don’t deserve to be happy or have fulfilling relationships. This is usually based on a belief of not feeling good enough and having low self esteem. This is just one example of many beliefs that can keep you from positivity. Looking at your belief system is definitely one of the first places to start changes.
Something else to consider, and this is usually related to the relationships in your life, is that you are addicted to the drama surrounding people that are negative. This happens more often than people realize. It’s very easy to become distracted by other people’s problems and be pulled into the negativity that is associated with drama. Learn to let go of the drama. Start having conversations with people about the good things that happen rather than the bad. Or start letting go of the people that bring negativity into your life.
Also look at how you look at situations that crop up in your life. Why do you see the situation as being negative? Why not look at the positive aspects of what has happened to you? Figure out why it was good for you to get into that car accident, or why you were fired from your job. Stop looking at the negative reasons surrounding those situations. There is good in every single situation that you create within your life. And yes, YOU DO create everything that happens to you.
Start looking inward rather than outward. Create more positive situations. Become more aware of your thoughts and replace the negative ones with positive ones. Start living your life with passion and choosing things and people that bring you closer to what you want. If you want to change your belief system, (which affects your thoughts greatly) then start looking for ways to do that. One amazing way to do that is through a process called Psych-K. It’s a process that allows for re-programming limiting beliefs that is very effective.
It’s time to start making changes in your life to bring you closer to who you truly are and what you deserve.
To book a one-on-one Intuitive Guidance Session with Drea, click here.
Upcoming Workshops
I’ve created and updated my new workshop page for everyone to look at!
Click here to check out what’s new!
Contact me for further information or to register!
Dear Skeptic…Who, Me?
I used to be one of the biggest skeptics, especially when it came to medium work.
Five years ago, before I really dove into the world of spirituality and before I really started to explore my gifts and talents I had my very first Psychic Reading. My very first! I was getting married and for part of my bachelorette party we had a very talented Psychic, and now good friend of mine, Tamara Hawk come to my home to give us readings. This was the first time I had met Tamara or any psychic really. I remember being so nervous and sitting there thinking to myself…”is this really for real??”
One of the things she told me, which I will never forget was, “You need to figure out who you really are…” At the time I was thinking to myself…uh, sure…I know who I am…what the hell is she talking about? Fast forward 5 years later and I really laugh at that now. I had NO idea who I was back then, really. I mean sure, I had bouts of great advice for people that came out of no where, but I had no idea what that really meant.
I didn’t see ghosts back then and I found it really hard to believe that such a thing really existed. She had also told me that my grandfather was around me back then, but I didn’t believe her for some reason. Again, fast forward 5 years later and I have no doubt in my mind that ghosts exist or that I can actually see them. Not only do I see my grandfather around me, I see many other spirits for clients. I love that I am able to bring closure for people here as well as for the spirits.
Until recently, I found myself even being skeptical of the healing work I do. I would think to myself, does this stuff really work? Does it do anything for people? I was even skeptical of my own story! Was is because of the energy work I had done that really helped me transform into who I was today?
Of course it was. I have no shadow of a doubt that without any of the energy work I had done or learned, I would not be where I am today. Energy work is paramount in healing, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. It is especially effective when you commit to having it done or doing it on yourself, on a regular basis. I think this is really key to help with any transformation. I see the change in some of my regular clients. They tell me how things are different. Sure, a skeptic can chalk it up to coincidence or chance. It isn’t though.
How can I prove it? Where is the tangible evidence? I can’t. The only evidence I could give is through stories of experiences. From myself, from clients, from others. I can say, that there are just too many “coincidences” for them to be just that, in my opinion. In any of the work I do.
I have to say, trusting in it (any of it) being truly real, was one of the hardest things I had to learn. But I do now. I trust that it is real, to the very depths of my soul.
Relationships Dragging You Down?
Do you have a relationship in your life that drags you down? You feel drained or negative after being around or speaking to this person. Or this person speaks of all the bad in their life, but doesn’t take the action required to make their life better. You know who I’m speaking of. Whether it be with a significant other, friend or family member, many of us have these relationships with people that we seem to keep a hold of. But why?
Obligation, guilt, fear of change, not feeling worthy of better relationships, and other reasons. Let’s talk about a few of these reasons.
Guilt. We feel guilty either for standing up for ourselves and telling whomever, enough is enough. We feel guilty because we don’t want to hurt their feelings, not taking into consideration our personal well being and having constant negativity thrown at us. It’s funny how we put them first, over us, isn’t it? But why do we do that?
Not feeling worthy. We don’t feel that we deserve better. We are used to putting others first and ourselves second…third…last even. Self-love and putting ourselves first is what we can practice more. By allowing yourself to be first, and choosing not to have that type of energy around you, you are practicing self-love and feeling worthy of having a better life filled with more fulfilling relationships.
Obligation is probably one of the biggest reasons why we hold onto these relationships with people that don’t serve our higher good. We feel obligation towards that person, whether it be for a societal reason, or because they are family, or a long time friend. So what? It’s time to let go of that obligation! Obligation is just another form of worrying about what other people think about you! It doesn’t matter what they think. What’s important is what YOU think about YOU. What if it’s your closest family member, you ask? Like a sibling or parent or child? What if it is? Doesn’t matter. You need to ask your self what you want out of life. Does this relationship that you are holding onto, yeah, the one filled with constant negativity, abuse, anger, guilt, or frustration, serve you? Do you want to be caught up in that drama?
Then stop fearing change.
I’ll tell you one thing. When you let go of people in your life that no longer serve your higher good, you make room for people in your life that DO serve your higher good. Now, doesn’t that sound like more fun? It does to me! Having people in your life that support your passions, that are truly happy for you in everything you do in life. A relationship based on freedom rather than one based on conditions. Doesn’t that feel lighter to you?
I’m not saying that everything is going to be rosey posey and you will never have conflict within your relationships ever again. The difference is that you will be able to resolve conflict in a respectable manner with open communication, rather than communication within a relationship based on fear, guilt and obligation. There is a difference.
So, tell me, how are you going to embrace change and move towards a future with happier, more fulfilling relationships?
To book a personalized energy session with Drea, click here
Awakening Your Intuition Workshop
Awakening Your Intuition – Level one
Sept 10, 2011 1pm-5pm
In level one of this two level workshop you will learn how to connect to your intuition. We will go over different techniques that will help you to really resonate with your intuition. We will also go over the basics of the Chakra system and how you can use it to your advantage. You will learn how to clear out blocks like negativity and self doubt as well as how to block unwanted energy. If you are looking to strengthen your intuition or you just want to find better ways to connect to your “inner self” and make better life decisions, then this is the workshop for you!
You will also discover the often overlooked truth which slows down intuitive development for most people.
8 spots available – location in Maple Ridge, BC, Canada