Scheduling Made Simple – A New Way To Book Your Next Psychic Reading

Over the past little while I’ve been making some changes to help streamline how my online reading requests are handled.  In the past, someone would either contact me through my site or make a payment to schedule a reading and then we would work out a suitable time to set for the reading.  This could involve several emails or phone messages trying to firm up a time which can take several days and leave people frustrated.  I’ve changed it up a bit!

I’ve implemented a two step process now which should make it much easier to set up your reading.

The first step is to use an online scheduling program I have installed on my Psychic Readings page.  What this will allow you to do is choose from multiple days and times that I have set up as my availability.  It will book the appointment time that best suits your schedule.  It’s quick and easy!  I’ve taken a couple of  screenshots of what the pages looks like that you pick your time from and posted it below:

Once you have chosen your date and time it takes you to a second screen where you input your contact information and reading preferences.

I will receive all of this information and the time that you have chosen will be reserved for you immediately.  If at any time that you have any questions about this process there is a link on the right hand side that will allow you to contact me with those questions.

The second step has remained the same as before, which is a link for you to be able to pay for your reading through Paypal.  I’ve found Paypal to be very user friendly and makes this process very easy for everyone.  For people setting up In Person Readings, you have the option to wait until the day of their reading to make payment.

I’m really pleased with the new scheduling system I have integrated with my website and I hope that people wanting to book readings through my website will find it simple and efficient to use.

What are your thoughts on my new system?  Would love to hear any feedback below!

Home Sweet Home

I’ve been home in British Columbia now for about a month now and been keeping myself busy will all sorts of things.  I had told everyone that I would be returning mid May, but it was a bit of a rouse so that I could surprise my family with an early return.  It was a success!

I had decided back in February that I would be returning home in April and started planning with my sister the best way to surprise the rest of my family, especially my Mom as she had been really missing me.  We came up with a plan for me to walk in on everyone at Easter dinner on the Sunday of the weekend.  It was perfect!  I was going to just show up and walk through the front door like I had never left.  Fun! 🙂

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What You Can Expect In A Psychic Reading

I’ve had many people ask me about what they should expect when getting a reading from me. One of the first things I tell them is to have no expectations.  None.  People can be surprised by this response.  Let me explain what I mean by this.

When I tune into your energy or higher self or guides, I will get messages for you. These messages are going to be what is important for you to hear at this time in your life.  A lot of the time they are messages to help you get to where you need to be in your life.  I am not able to control the message that comes through for you because it’s for you.  I’m just able to tune in and hear it.  Some of the time the questions you are seeking answers for will be answered in the message I get, and some times they won’t.

In regards to future, I tell people that future isn’t definite.  It can and often does change depending on which path a person chooses.  There are so many decisions people make on a daily basis that can alter their path.  I will read the energy around a future question and give you an answer based on what that energy is telling me at that specific time, which if I were to read even the next day, could be different.

All of my readings are done with love, no judgment and confidentiality.  I hope this helps answer any questions you might have about receiving a reading from me.  If not, please feel free to leave a question below and I will answer!

Returning To Vancouver

Well, the time has come for me to return home to Vancouver.  I’ve decided that I will be on my way back home in May, much to the approval of family and friends there.  🙂

As much as I have enjoyed my time here in the Maritimes, I am looking forward to coming home.  I’ve learned many new things, and met a lot of wonderful people.

Once I return home, I will be offering In Person Psychic Readings and Reiki healing sessions as well as setting up weekend workshops for anyone interested in self exploration and anyone interested in developing their intuition.  I am very excited about being able to add these services in addition to my phone and email readings!

Over the past 10 months I have learned many new things and I’ve really worked on developing my intuition and healing abilities.  I was able to attend many different workshops and have one on one mentoring from some very gifted psychics out this way.  I am very fortunate and thankful for all that I have learned.

In the past 10 months I have improved my Reiki healing abilities and received my Reiki Level II certification.  However, what I really learned is that the true abilities of a Reiki Healer go far beyond their ‘level’ or certifications.  One of the most important things when choosing the right practitioner for yourself is choosing one that is emotionally clean.  What I mean by that, is that it is really important to find someone that is balanced and clear of any emotional upsets that they may be carrying with them.  The cleaner and clearer the healer you choose, the better and purer healing you will receive.

I’m really looking forward to getting back home and getting started with my psychic readings, energy healing and workshops.  If you’d like to book a session with me for May, you may contact me through email here.

A Connection Through The Past

As much as my time out here in the Maritimes has been about learning new tools for my readings, it has been as equally important for me to reconnect to who I am.

I think for a lot of us, as we get older and mature into adults, we can lose the true sense of who we are.  We get busy with everyday life…raising families, trying to advance in the workplace, and conforming to the expectations from society that we put upon ourselves.

Most of this is great, don’t get me wrong.  However, what I am able to see with a lot of people is the loss of connection to who they are and the connection to their inner child.

I have a great example.

January here has been a great month for lots and lots of snow!  A couple of days ago, a friend and I decided to go outside and build a huge snow fort in her backyard.  We spent a couple of hours digging out all the snow and had a great time!  I think the last time I built a snow fort was when I was around 11 or 12 years old.  Over the past couple days it is all we have talked about, just like you would as if you were a kid.  We’ve been planning what to do next, how to improve it and planning when we would work on it.  I really felt connected to my inner child at the time.

What interested me the most with the building of our most awesome snow fort, was the reactions we would get from people that we told what we’ve been up to.  Many people were shocked and questioned why we would do that.  Some people thought it was a cool idea and secretly wanted to go and build their own fort.  Then there were the few that were actually going to go and get started on their own awesome snow fort.

So, what is stopping you from going out to build your own fort?  Or try something fun from your childhood?  I think for most people, it’s the worry they have of what other people might think of them.  Of how they would be perceived by their peers.  Some people have simply just forgotten how to connect to who they were as a kid.  Here’s a little secret, the more you try to connect to your inner child, the easier it gets!  The more you connect, the more fun you have in life!  It’s a great side effect of being a kid again!

I have a few pictures of us working on our snow fort, which is not completed yet.  We have currently decided to renovate our fort and are in the planning process of making it bigger and better! 🙂


Winter, Maritimes Style!

Wow, it’s hard to believe that January 2011 is already near it’s end!

I’ve been enjoying my time here in Moncton during the winter months.  We had a fairly rough storm yesterday that brought lots of snow and some strong winds.  Looking out the window today you see a much different story!  It’s a beautiful sunny, but cold Saturday afternoon.

Many people have told me that I wouldn’t last here through the winter when they hear I am from British Columbia and have never seen a winter out here.  Although the winter is only half done here, I am really having a good time!

My husband Paul came out to visit for a couple of weeks and had a really nice time.  The weather at that time wasn’t the greatest as we had a few strong storms and weren’t able to travel very much.  I was able to take him over to Prince Edward Island and around a bit of the surrounding area of Moncton.  We did a bit of winter hiking on some of the great trails they have here, which is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time!  I introduced him to some of the great people I have met out here and he was welcomed in true Maritime style.  🙂

I’ve posted a few pictures below of his visit as well as some winter pictures!


January Free Reading Winner

The winner for January’s free reading is a reader named Donna, from Surrey, BC!!

Congrats Donna!!

Protecting Your Energy

[adsense_id=”1″]Do you find yourself feeling tired or completely drained by the end of the day?  A lot of us do and we assume that this is because of stress or having a lot on our plate, but there is more to it than just that.

Everyone of us is made up of energy and with that we project and absorb different energies throughout the day, especially when interacting with other people.  What do I mean by projecting or absorbing energy?  Well, as an example, when we express different feelings like happiness or sadness we are projecting energy out into the atmosphere and onto the people that surround us.  This goes with any emotion you are feeling.

With energy absorption, you are pulling in or feeling energy from other people who are projecting different energies (or emotions).  Think of it as similar to when you have a reaction to another person’s mood or things they are saying to you.  As much as most people think that they are reacting mentally to what the other person is feeling or saying, there is a lot of unsaid energy that is being transferred back and forth.

Do you have a particular friend, co-worker, or family member that when finished meeting with them, you feel so tired or drained?  More than likely what is happening is that this person is either projecting some type of energy onto you or even taking your energy away from you!  A lot of the time, the person taking your energy is totally unaware that they are doing it.

This energy transfer is what will drain a lot of us throughout the day if we stay unaware of what is going on and choose not to protect ourselves from other energy.  So, how do we protect our energy?

There are so many different ways of protecting your energy.  Most ways start with visualization.  You visualize some sort of block between you and the people that you are interacting with, be it with mirrors or shields or whatever you decide works the best for you.

My favorite way to protect my energy is to visualize my entire body protected by a bubble.  It’s a strong bubble that is impenetrable.  Nothing can come through it.  Sometimes I will visualize the outside layer of the bubble is made up of a mirror to project the energy coming at me from others back towards them.  This works quite well.  My friend Dominique uses the bubble technique and she visualizes her bubble to be pink and sparkly.  It is really up to you to decide what you want your bubble or technique to be.

When I was first taught this technique, I thought it seemed way too easy to work, but I am amazed at how different I feel when I use this tool compared to when I don’t use it.

October Free Reading Winner

Yes, I am little late in posting the October Free Reading winner!  My apologies!  The November winner will be posted at the beginning of December! 🙂

The winner for the 30 minute reading for October is a reader named Ben!!

Congrats Ben!

September Free Reading Winner

I am a little late in posting the September 30 minute reading winner…oops!  Sorry everyone!!

So…the winner for September is….drumroll…

haha…not as dramatic when it is written out, eh?

Lori Seeney

Congrats Lori!!!