Runes 101

runesA couple of months ago I decided to learn a new divination tool that I could offer to people in the readings I do.  I’ve been working diligently in learning this new craft and have found that using this tool has come quite naturally to me.

What are runes, you ask?

This is the most common question posed to me when I tell people I use runes.  Most people have heard of using tarot cards as a medium for divination, and runes are much the same.  They are just a little less well known.

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My Kitten Now Has A Name!

It is…


Thanks to everyone who gave me some great names to contemplate for my kitten!

Even though this name wasn’t one that was given to me, I would still like to do a random draw for a 30 minute reading for one of the people that helped by submitting a name.

The winner is…



Cute Kitten!

Yesterday I decided to go out and find myself a little companion to keep me company!  I went to a local pet store here, and fell in love with a cute black kitten that had been in the store for a while.

She was there the last time I was at the pet store, which was about 4 weeks ago.  I was playing with her then and thought to myself…what a cute kitten!  I started to think about maybe the possibility of getting a cat then.  🙂  I knew when I walked back into that pet store last night and she was still there that she was meant to come home with me!

She is still getting used to her new surroundings here and spent most of her night under the couch.  She has ventured out a bit this morning so I was able to take a few pictures of her!  🙂

One last thing…I am having trouble with choosing a name for her!  I was thinking that it might be a great idea to get your input and then give a free 30 minute reading to the person that came up with the name that I pick.  So, if you are interested…post a cute name for her in the comment field below and I will let you know what I have chosen for her!

Taurus Woman and Scorpio Man – How To Communicate

Taurus and ScorpioI was thinking the other day about how my relationship with my husband has progressed over the years and I thought of something that I would share that might help some of you out.

We have been together for almost 14 years now, and have had lots of ups and downs.  Some really good arguments and lots of great laughs.  What I was thinking about was how our communication has evolved over the years and it wasn’t until just recently that I started changing things up a bit when it came to conflict and how I handled it.

Paul and I can both be very stubborn people.  For those of you that follow astrology, I am a Taurus and he is a Scorpio.  This makes for a very interesting dynamic when it comes to how we communicate and resolve our differences.  🙂  Things can get very heated!  We both don’t like to give in or compromise either…or even admit wrong doing.

So, what made me decide to change things up?  Well, I was speaking to one of my very wise mentors, Tamara about how frustrated I was becoming with certain things in our relationship and she gave me some really good advice.

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Can You Be A Divine Goddess?

GoddessA couple of weeks ago I went to a great workshop!  It is called The Divine Goddess workshop and it was hosted by a wonderful woman, Carole McLatchie.

When I first heard about this workshop, I was really unsure about going.   I didn’t really know what to expect.  I thought it would be a day filled with women talking about their problems and looking for sympathy.  Boy, was I EVER wrong!  🙂

I had a day filled with encouragement, self-empowerment and self-exploration.  Carole provided an environment which felt very safe and open.  This allowed me to be able to open up to myself as well as others and become aware of things that I didn’t even realize.

I think the biggest thing I became aware of was the lack of trust I had in other women, which I am sure that a lot of people can relate to on some level.  For me, this lack of trust was stopping me from starting new friendships.  I would shut down at hello, and didn’t even realize I was doing it.  I am now aware of the reasons why I was like this.  It really got me thinking though.  How many other women out there feel like this?  What are the reasons behind not being able to trust other women?

Why do we have to feel like we need to compete or be better than other women?  Also the feeling of having to judge other women, on their clothes, hair, looks, what they say…etc.  Why are we so hard on other women in our lives?

I think it is because we are not comfortable with who we are ourselves.  The feeling of not being good enough, pretty enough, smart enough.  Our self-esteem has been beaten up by so many factors, of which are different for each woman.  Naturally, it is easier to turn outside rather than inside.  Focus on what others are doing or how they are looking, rather than concentrating on ourselves.  This feels like the underlying root of this problem.

How do we change this?

No…we don’t change ourselves.

We become OK with with who we are as an individual.  We learn about ourselves, be grateful that we are unique.  We embrace our differences, within ourselves and with others.  We start to support other women rather than try to pull them down.  We celebrate our accomplishments, feel inspired by other women, instead of  feeling jealous.  It’s time to turn loathing into love.

If you are in the Moncton area, I would definitely recommend going to this workshop.  This is just one example of what I was fortunate enough to be able to take with me from this wonderful day.  Carole’s website is

I was given an information sheet about the workshop and I will quote some of the reasons you should attend this workshop if you are able to!

  • This is an opportunity to learn how to appreciate and respect yourself as well as other women. This is an incredible “bonding” experience that provides a new perspective on how women view their own sex.
  • This workshop is designed to build self-esteem and demonstrates our strengths as well as defining our weaknesses so that we can make the most of our potential.
  • As women, we under-rate ourselves.  It’s time to face who we are meant to be and to recognize the incredible power we possess.
  • Every woman is meant to be a GODDESS.  Women of all ages.  Married – Separated – Widowed – Single – Divorced. When we learn to connect the Goddess energy within us, then we finally reconnect with our own inner Goddess.

Thanks again Carole!  What an amazing experience that day was!  Thank you to all the wonderful goddesses that attended as well!

Free Reading Draw Winner – July 2010

I have recently decided to give away a free reading to people that sign up for the newsletter that I will be starting.

How this works is that every month I will randomly pick someone from my full email list and give them a free 30 minute reading.  You will be eligible for a reading every month from the time you sign up, it isn’t just for new people signing up.

So,  for the month of July, the very first free reading will go to….drum-roll please…LOL!……

Tracey Godin!

Congrats Tracey!

If you haven’t yet signed up for my newsletter, you can do so by putting in your name and email address in my sidebar to the right.

A New Place!

It’s been a little while since I’ve posted…this is because I’ve been busy moving!

I had decided to get my own little place while I’m here.  I found a great 1 bedroom basement suite.  Over the last week and a bit I have been busy moving and setting up my new place.  It has been quite busy!

Here’s a great little story about sending an intention/desire out to the universe and letting go of it and trusting the universe to provide!

When I first got here, I would walk down to a local grocery that has some basic things you can get.  It isn’t far at all, just down at the end of the street.  One day as I was walking back from the store I saw this little cute little white house with lots of beautiful flower gardens in the yard.

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What About My Marriage?!?

CoupleI’ve decided to stay a while longer here in New Brunswick as I feel that I have more to learn here.  I originally had planned to come home the end of August, early September, but now I am staying until at least October.  With the possibility of staying as long as a year.  I have been getting intuitive feelings about being here for a while longer over the past couple of weeks and as hard as it is to be away from home, it really feels so right to stay.

So, let’s talk about that a bit because I’m sure some of you out there are puzzled at the fact that I have a husband in Vancouver, and are wondering how I could leave him there and be here for so long.  Or even how he could be supportive of the fact that I want to stay here for so long.

I have told a few people and I have been getting very mixed reactions, which is quite interesting.  The majority of people assume that Paul and I are splitting up, and even after reassuring them that we aren’t, are still decided that we are splitting up.  I am thinking that it is hard for people to understand the way we work as a couple.

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A Visit In Saint Andrews…

IMG_5097I just got back from an overnight trip to St. Andrews by the Sea…and although I was completly exhausted when I got back, it was a great trip!  It’s a cute little town situated in the Southwestern area of New Brunswick with lots of local shops and great places to eat.

I think that my favorite part of the trip was the time I spent at the hotel I stayed at.  It was the Fairmont Algonquin.  The staff there are VERY friendly and go out of their way to make you feel right at home, which for a large hotel you don’t see very often.  It was originally built in the late 1800’s and due to a fire in the early 1900’s it had to be rebuilt.  There is a lot of character to this hotel, which makes it quite unique.

The hotel is haunted, which I didn’t know at the time of booking, but just adds to the character of it!  There are many accounts of sightings and stories that the staff love to tell.  I was fortunate enough to add a new story to their list!  A new ghost visiting their property!

His name is Captain Timothy McGinnis and he decided to keep me up all night until I went downstairs to “tell them” as he said.  🙂

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I think one of my biggest challenges so far here on my trip is learning to be completely alone.  More than that, it’s being alone and being OK with being alone.  Don’t get me wrong, I am quite independent and I am often doing things on my own a lot of the time.

Alone 2-1But the difference here I think is that I am now making decisions on what I want to do without outside influences.

Here’s an example.  Five O’ clock rolls around and I start to think about dinner.  What do I want for dinner?  Normally I would consider what my husband might want for dinner and make something that I know he will like.  And I would do this without thinking.

I’ve had to rethink and retrain myself to decide on things based on what I want, what I like, or what I feel like doing.  This is something totally foreign to me!  What DO I want?  What DO I like to do?  These questions that seem so common, have really stumped me at times!
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