Keeping Commitments When You Want To Give Up

winnerAt the end of December I decided to participate in a 21 day blog post challenge.  We write one blog post everyday for 21 days.  Today is day 14, so a little over halfway there.

Today has been the first day that I am finding it challenging to write a post.  We received news about the cost of fixing the leaks in the basement and it is quite a hefty price tag!  We found out that the house has no drain tile around the house.  We have an older house, built in the 70’s.  So, we will have to be waterproofing and adding drain tile to the outside of the house.  I’m sure this sounds stressful, but really I feel OK about how things are unfolding.  I am trusting that everything is going to turn out perfectly, so the decisions we are making around this are going to be just fine.

The challenge I am facing with writing a post is one of pure habit.  When things get a little tough, I have had this habit of using the tough situations to not follow through with commitments I have made.  I have been working on breaking this habit for a while, and for the most part I don’t do that anymore.  However, today I could really feel that energy creeping in.

I became aware of what I was saying to myself after we found out the news (about 2 hours ago) and I was aware of how I was feeling.  I found myself starting to say things like, “I don’t feel like doing a post today”, or “I need to focus on other stuff before I do my post today”, or “I REALLY don’t know what I am going to write about today”.  I was really working on a way to justify getting out of this commitment.

So, I decided to do something to change the state of my energy.  I was feeling OK, but I knew I could feel better.  So in that moment, I asked myself what would make me Feel Good Now?  My answer was a coffee and a Nanaimo bar.  So, I made that coffee and had it with a piece of Nanaimo bar.  It was damn good!  I enjoyed it!  While having that little break, I decided that I wouldn’t break this commitment, and surely there was something I could write about!  That I could provide some piece of value to the Universe today!

I guess where I am going with this, is this.  If you have made commitments to yourself (as it is New Years and the time of resolutions), then find a way to keep those commitments.  Find a way to change your state and re-align yourself with those commitments.

If you have to break the commitment down into smaller pieces to make it more manageable, then do that!  Make it easy to win!  For example, if you have decided to lose 50 lbs and you are finding this too daunting, then modify.  Start with part one of your 50 lbs weight loss, which is to lose 10lbs.  Just making that distinction changes the energy around the goal and changes your energy.

I’ve learned that it’s really important to keep our commitments.  It allows us to feel good, to feel proud of accomplishing something.  If we have to start small, that’s awesome.  It allows us to grow into bigger goals, bigger dreams.  We want to feel like winners, right?  What better way to do that than with setting an attainable goal, keep it easy to win and tackle it!

So here I am at the end of my blog post now, and look…it’s done!  I won!  Post 14 of my 21 day commitment.  😀




4 Ways To Raise Your Vibration Every Day

vibrationI thought I would write about a few ways that you could raise your vibration on a daily basis.  These are fairly quick methods and will help you when you are feeling a little down, or off.

1. Meditate for 15 minutes.  Meditation will help you release any dense emotions you are holding onto and bring you back into balance.  Just this alone will raise your vibration.

2. Go outside for 10 minutes and connect with nature.  Even if you are at work and all you have around you is a parking lot, you can do this.  Go outside and look up at the sky.  Focus on what the sky looks like.  The colour, shape of any clouds, where is the sun.  Feel the sun if it is out that day.  Feel the air and temperature.  Give thanks and gratitude for your surroundings.

3. Make a list of things you are grateful for.  Pick 5 areas in your life and start to make a list of things you love about them.  Focus on loved ones, pets, yourself, your job, your car, your house, friends, food you love to eat.  Anything that brings in joy to your life.

4. Go outside and thank the Universe (or heaven..or whatever name you have for it) for the the spirits that are focused on you, helping, encouraging and uplifting you.  Acknowledge them and give them gratitude every moment no matter what you are doing, where you are or who you are with.  Do this every day.

Why We Sometimes Manifest Accidents in Our Lives

manifestingThis video I am posting below is a great video on how we create and co-create the things in our lives.  We are responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in our lives.

Five years ago I co-created 2 car accidents in my life, within a 3 month period.  At the time, it was very stressful and I didn’t understand why this “happened” to me.  I had injuries, chronic pain and felt much anger because of these events.  I learned much of what Abraham is speaking about here on how we create events in our lives that match our thoughts and vibrations.

Looking back on these 2 events, I can tell you that they were the best things to happen to me.  My life completely changed, for the better.  I am so grateful and thankful that I had those accidents.

In a future post, I’ll write about how I’m manifesting what I want in my life nowadays without the need for such drastic measures.  At that time in my life I wasn’t quite aligned with who I was, so the Universe had to take more drastic measures to get my attention.

Hope you enjoy this video.

Aura Colours and Meanings

auraAura colours can have different meanings based on the energy that comes with the person.  I’ve listed below a simple definition of a few aura colours and characteristics that you can see with different people.  Feel free to share your definitions of aura colours below!

Red – This is the colour related to the Root Chakra.  It can also mean anger, strength, fear, ego, passion, sexuality.

Orange – This is the colour related to the Sacral Chakra.  It can also mean courage, ambition, thoughtfulness, lack of will.

Yellow – This is the colour related to the Solar Plexus Chakra.  It can also mean happy, friendly, intellectual, optimistic, indecisive.

Green – This is the colour related to the Heart Chakra.  It can also mean peaceful, healing, compassion, jealousy, deceit.

Blue – This is the colour related to the Throat Chakra.  It can also mean creative, spiritual, loyal, communication, sensitive, kind, moody.

Indigo – This is the colour related to the Third Eye Chakra.  It can also mean highly intuitive, seeker, honesty, inner peace.

Violet – This is the colour related to the Crown Chakra.  it can also mean wisdom, royalty, highly spiritual and intuitive.

Pink – This colour can mean change, love, friendship, playful, joy.

Grey – This colour can mean depression, sadness, low energy, skepticism, exhaustion.

Brown – This colour can mean friendly, earthy, conservative, opinionated, self-involved.

Black – This colour can mean protection, dramatic, death, evil, illness, lacking energy.

White – This colour can mean perfect balance, innocence, purity, clean, high vibration.

Gold – This colour can mean wealth, prosperity, valuable, traditional.

Funny Video Friday!!


I will be posting funny or cute video on Friday’s to brighten your day and get you going for the weekend!  Enjoy!!

How To Get Better At Grounding Yourself Without Spending Hours In Practice

balanceGrounding the energy in our bodies is something that should be done on a regular basis.  By regular, this could be several times a day depending on your energy and how you react to things.  The more we ground our energy, the easier it gets to do it and the frequency in which we have to ground can become less and less.  We can relieve stress, anxiety, dizziness, and become more calm, centered and focused with grounding.

One of my favorite ways to ground my energy is to bring my focus to my feet.  I become aware of my feet and allow my energy to flow down to my feet.  Often when I am meditating I find myself floating out of my body, and this is a really quick way to get back into your body and feel centered.  It wasn’t easy to do this at first, but with practice I can ground my energy and be centered within seconds.

If you are new to grounding, a really great and simple way to ground your energy is through visualization.  There are many different ways to visualize yourself grounding your energy.  What worked best for me was to visualize a ball of energy at the base of my neck.  It can be any colour you like. I would then send that ball of energy down my spine and once I hit the base of my spine (Root Chakra) I would shift it into a cord and continue moving downward from the base of my spine towards the ground.

Once I reached the ground I then shifted the cord into roots and allowed the roots to permeate the earth and go deep into the ground.  At that point I would focus my attention up to my Crown, and bring white light in through my crown and travel down through the same path as I started until I reached the bottom of the roots.  This was great for me.  It took a few minutes to do, but also became faster to do each time I practiced it.

It’s great to try out a few visualizations, and then find what works best for you.  You can even take bits from different types and create your own.  What’s important is to feel centered and balanced at the end.

If you have a favorite grounding technique, feel free to share below!

3 Ways To Activate Your Third Eye Chakra

Third EyeThe Third Eye can sometimes be a tricky chakra to open up. Often it is sluggish and takes practice to get things moving.  If you are finding that you are having trouble with opening up or activating your Third Eye Chakra, I have a few ideas that may help you.

Before I go into the list of how’s, we may want to ask ourselves why we want to open up this Chakra.  Setting intentions are a great way to start with opening up this Chakra.  Do we want to tap into a heightened sense of awareness?  Or perhaps to practice lucid dreaming?  Maybe you would like to tap into your intuition more to help you with everyday life.  Whatever your reason is, it is a great idea to get clear on it and set it before you start.

Meditation is where it’s at.  Start with setting aside 10 minutes everyday to just sit and focus on your breathing.  Allow yourself to practice being in the moment.  It’s important to learn how to quiet your mind so that you can tap into the things your aren’t sensing, seeing or hearing.  Once you have practiced focusing on your breathing and ensuring that you are taking in deep calming breaths, start to visualize clearing out your Third Eye Chakra.  You can do this by bringing white light in through your crown and allow it to envelope the Third Eye, or you can visualize a hallway and walk towards a door that opens up to bright white light.  Play around with this and see what feels best for you.  Balancing your other chakras within your meditation will also help you to open up that Third Eye Chakra.

Secondly, I would look at detoxing your body.  Water intake is important here.  Make sure you are drinking enough water and that the PH of your water is at a minimum of 7.  A very simple way of bringing up the water PH level is to add lemon to it.  Most tap water or bottled water is sitting at a level of 5-7 PH.  Removing fluoride from your body is important too.  This is known to help de-calcify the Pineal Gland, which is associated with the Third Eye Chakra.  Look at switching your toothpaste to a natural one and find out if there is fluoride in your water.  If so, you will want to get a filtration system that takes this out.  Lastly, look at increasing your vegetable intake.  I’m talking about your greens…not carrots or corn or peas.  Leafy greens and any green veggie.  This is going to help detox and unclog that Chakra.

The third tip I have for you is to use a crystal to help open up that Third Eye Chakra.  When I first started working on opening up my Third Eye I used Fluorite, Moonstone and Selenite.  These are still my favorite go to stones if I want a boost in that Chakra.  You can also try Amethyst or Sodalite.  A sure way to tell if that stone is working is if you start to feel tingling or a shift (lightening) in denseness in your Third Eye.

There are many ways to open up that Chakra.  These 3 are my favorite and what I found to be most successful.

What are your favorite ways to open up the Third Eye Chakra?


Cleaning And Activating Your Crystals



One of the first things you should do when you bring a new crystal or piece of jewelry home is clean it.  I don’t mean use soap and water or hydrogen peroxide.  What I am referring to is cleansing any lingering energy that the crystal has picked up and is holding on to.  This could be from the ground it came from or from anyone handling it until it reached you.  You want to start off with a neutral stone so that you can get maximum benefits from it.

One of my favorite ways to clean the crystals I have is to use a piece of selenite.  This is a great absorption stone and all you do is place your stone on the selenite for a minimum of 6 hours.  Here are a few more ways to clear your crystals:

  • Place your stones or jewelry outside in the sun or under a full moon for a minimum of 4 hours
  • Place your pieces on the soil outside or on a houseplant for at least 24 hours
  • Use a smudge stick (dried sage leaves) or Paulo Santo stick and hold your pieces over the burning smoke to cleanse them
  • Lay your pieces over a piece of clear quartz for a minimum of 6 hour

Once you have cleansed your stones, you can then activate them.  This is really quite a simple process.  Decide what your intention is going to be when using the chosen piece of crystal or jewelry.  Find a quiet place to sit and hold the piece in both hands.  While breathing in the highest white light, visualize or think of the intention you have decided on.  Do this for a few minutes.  Once you have finished, your stones are ready to use!

Depending on how often and what you are using/wearing your stones for, the frequency of cleaning your stones will vary.  Pay attention to how your crystals are feeling to you and when they start to feel heavy or muddy, that is when it is time to clean them.  If you are using the piece on a daily basis, then look at a time frame from 10 – 21 days.

There are many ways to clean and activate your crystals.  If you have a favorite way, please feel free to share in the comments below!

To Freak Or Not To Freak?

Last night we had a storm and heavy rain blow through our area.  Rain is a common occurrence for us. The challenge with the rain this time was that the ground was partially frozen and was unable to absorb all the water.  Because of this, we ended up with quite a bit of water coming into our home (in the basement) in the late evening.

We had been working on solving a minor leak in this area for a few months now, but it wasn’t anything major.  Last night it seemed that the dam broke and we had water pouring in one area of our basement.  My husband was working down there for about an hour and the atmosphere was quite tense.  I went down to try and move some of our things around to make space for easier access.  I was moving a few things to the other side of the basement when I noticed a pool of water coming in from that area too!  Talk about adding to a stressful situation, right?  So I called Paul over and showed him, and he immediately went to work on that problem.  I took over for him in the other area where he was before.

Acontrols I’m wringing out the towels and soaking up the water on the floor I could feel myself becoming anxious and stressed.  Anyone would be, right?  In that moment of awareness of what I was feeling in my body, I had a decision to make.  I could decide to allow the stress and anxiety to grow or I could trust that everything was going to be fine and just relax.  I could just focus on the task at hand, which was soaking up the water and wringing out the towels into a bucket.

I chose to relax.  I grounded my energy and just focused on the task at hand.  I worked on calming my husband down, told him things were going to be fine.  What’s funny about this, is that Paul is usually very calm and balanced.  Last night he decided to allow the situation to get to him a little. I could have chosen to participate with him and get angry and frustrated, rather I decided to stay calm and diffuse the situation.

When things were a little more under control, we talked and made a plan of who we could call for help in the morning.  This is all we could do at this point in time.  We were handling the water coming in at that point.  There wasn’t anything left to do.  We could choose to get angry, frustrated or sit in fear at the unknown.  But why?  I learned a long time ago that everything is fixable…so it was just a matter of time.

We always have a choice on how to react to the situations presented to us.  All of them.  Some are easier than others.  It’s about remembering what energy you want to create within and around you.

How will you decide to contribute to situations presented to you?

Using Crystals with your Chakras

Trying to figure out which crystals/stones to use to help open, balance or boost chakra power can be overwhelming when first starting out.  There are so many different options to choose from.

I found this beginners guide from that can help you pair up a crystal to the chakra you are working on.  Choose one of the stones that best resonates with you and hold it in your hand or place it on the chakra when meditating.  Make sure you clear/program the stone before you use it.

What stones are your go to stones for clearing/balancing your chakras?  Let us know below!

