Posts Tagged ‘Chakras’

Clear Your Chakras in 25 Minutes

meditationThis morning I was out running around doing some errands.  I went into a store that had really dense energy in it.  There was a lot of anger and frustration energy in that store.  I could really tell the difference when I left the store and went outside.

I am fairly aware when I go out and I notice the different energies out there and I try my best not to allow the energy to affect me.  There are times however that I bring some unwanted energy home with me.  I am human after all!  I’m thinking that you can relate to this, right?

We get home and feel slightly irritated or tired.  Things just aren’t going right or we react strongly to things going on around us.  When I become aware that I am feeling like this, the first thing I do is change my energy.  Sometimes I can change it within minutes.  Sometimes it is harder to shift.

When I have trouble shifting the energy, I then look at a guided meditation.  They are great and you can find all different kinds on the internet.  One of my go-to guided meditations I found on YouTube and I like it because it focuses on grounding and clearing chakras.  It is a longer meditation, but a good one!

If you are looking for a new guided meditation to try, check out the video below!


Using Crystals with your Chakras

Trying to figure out which crystals/stones to use to help open, balance or boost chakra power can be overwhelming when first starting out.  There are so many different options to choose from.

I found this beginners guide from that can help you pair up a crystal to the chakra you are working on.  Choose one of the stones that best resonates with you and hold it in your hand or place it on the chakra when meditating.  Make sure you clear/program the stone before you use it.

What stones are your go to stones for clearing/balancing your chakras?  Let us know below!



Need Help Meditating?

One of the first things I learned from my mentor about developing psychic abilities is the importance of meditating on a regular basis.  But what is meditation? How does one meditate?  Is there a right way or a wrong way to meditate?  These were some of the first questions I wondered….

As a beginner, I would quite often fall asleep about 5 minutes into any meditation, whether it was on my own or with a guided audio meditation.  I would have trouble quieting my mind and I was easily distracted with outside noises.  I didn’t really know what to meditate about or what to do when I was “meditating”.  I was really starting to get frustrated with sitting there and waiting for something magical to happen.  🙂

So, what changed??  Well, I received some great tips from my mentor, but a lot of the help I received came from the book she has just written about meditation.  For me, it came at the perfect time, as most things do.  This book is great for a beginner at meditation, as well as a great refresher for people that have been meditating for years.  It is easy to read and flows really well.

The name of the book is “The Secret of Simple Meditation”, by Tamara Hawk.

In this book  she talks about:

  • How to Meditate
  • Balancing Energy and Chakras
  • Intentions and Affirmations
  • Awareness, plus much more…

I am really glad I read this book as it helped me with putting a step-by-step system system together for doing my meditations.  As a beginner, having a simple system to follow made it so much easier to get into a routine of meditating on a regular basis.  Things are starting to flow better for me, I feel more balanced and I recognize when I am out of balance much faster now.

If you are struggling with your meditating and need some help, then consider reading this book.  I’m so glad I did.

Thanks Tamara!
