Posts Tagged ‘Esther Hicks’

Is Everything Thought?

I came across an older video from Esther/Abraham Hicks and I thought I would share it with you today.  Abraham is speaking about how thoughts are things and they are vibrations.

It is so important for us to be in the present moment and to become more aware of how our thoughts affect our vibration/feelings.  When we are thinking good thoughts then we will feel good and our vibration will shift into alignment of where we need to be to create the reality we want.  We will get the help we need because we are in the right vibration.

It’s a great video to remind us of where we want to be.



Abraham Hicks – Avoid Anything That Causes You To Feel Any Discomfort

treesThis is an awesome video.  There is talk about removing resistance to the things we want, and letting go of time frames of what we think our healing journey should take.  There is also talk about letting go of what other people think of us.  This is my favorite part I think.

So many of us worry about what other people are thinking about us, or lives, the decisions we make and if they are good or not.  Abraham really makes it clear as to why it is important to let go of this.  I really used to care a LOT about what other people thought.  I second guessed myself many many times.  I don’t anymore.  Every decision I make is perfect for me and the moment I am in.  People are going to have opinions of me, good or bad.  No problem.

Letting go of the influence of others in my life was one of the greatest gifts I gave myself.  I wish that you will give this gift to yourself as well.





Why We Sometimes Manifest Accidents in Our Lives

manifestingThis video I am posting below is a great video on how we create and co-create the things in our lives.  We are responsible for EVERYTHING that happens in our lives.

Five years ago I co-created 2 car accidents in my life, within a 3 month period.  At the time, it was very stressful and I didn’t understand why this “happened” to me.  I had injuries, chronic pain and felt much anger because of these events.  I learned much of what Abraham is speaking about here on how we create events in our lives that match our thoughts and vibrations.

Looking back on these 2 events, I can tell you that they were the best things to happen to me.  My life completely changed, for the better.  I am so grateful and thankful that I had those accidents.

In a future post, I’ll write about how I’m manifesting what I want in my life nowadays without the need for such drastic measures.  At that time in my life I wasn’t quite aligned with who I was, so the Universe had to take more drastic measures to get my attention.

Hope you enjoy this video.