Posts Tagged ‘raise your vibration’

4 Ways To Raise Your Vibration Every Day

vibrationI thought I would write about a few ways that you could raise your vibration on a daily basis.  These are fairly quick methods and will help you when you are feeling a little down, or off.

1. Meditate for 15 minutes.  Meditation will help you release any dense emotions you are holding onto and bring you back into balance.  Just this alone will raise your vibration.

2. Go outside for 10 minutes and connect with nature.  Even if you are at work and all you have around you is a parking lot, you can do this.  Go outside and look up at the sky.  Focus on what the sky looks like.  The colour, shape of any clouds, where is the sun.  Feel the sun if it is out that day.  Feel the air and temperature.  Give thanks and gratitude for your surroundings.

3. Make a list of things you are grateful for.  Pick 5 areas in your life and start to make a list of things you love about them.  Focus on loved ones, pets, yourself, your job, your car, your house, friends, food you love to eat.  Anything that brings in joy to your life.

4. Go outside and thank the Universe (or heaven..or whatever name you have for it) for the the spirits that are focused on you, helping, encouraging and uplifting you.  Acknowledge them and give them gratitude every moment no matter what you are doing, where you are or who you are with.  Do this every day.