Posts Tagged ‘vegetarian’

Why Can’t I Eat Meat?

eatmeatOK, so for the past couple of weeks my life have been completely upside down.  I’ve started opening myself up a lot and with that some really weird and really funny things have been happening to me.  I’ve been in 2 car accidents (neither caused by me), spilled numerous things on people, had spirits visit me and even had them tapping me on the shoulder while in the car!  These types of things are becoming a daily norm for me, which I am totally OK with.  🙂

However, the latest thing that has taken me completely by surprise, is the inability to consume any meat products.  What the shit??? LOL!

This started just under a week ago and I don’t know if I will be able to explain it exactly, but I will try.  It started out with feeling like I can sense the energy difference between the meat and the veggies.  Like the meat felt denser than the veggies did, energy wise.  Another way to explain this I guess would be the difference between heavy and light…if that makes sense.  Now it is to the point that I can’t stomach it.  I get VERY queasy after the first bite.  It is quite bizarre!

And the veggies?   They taste so good!! I’ve always eaten vegetables, but this is very different!  It’s like they are singing when I eat them!!!

Is it psychological, you ask?  I am sure that it isn’t.  I didn’t have any bad experiences with meat or get food poisoning or even just a cold/flu.  This just happened, almost overnight.  I really feel that this is spiritual and I am looking forward to a vegetarian lifestyle! This is something that I would not have been able to say a year ago.

I was a meat and potatoes kind of gal.  Now I think I will be eating fish…crazy!  I have never liked fish, ever!  But I have been totally drawn to it in the last week.  I’ve had it once this past week…and plan to have it more often.  🙂

Can’t wait to see what’s next!  Or can I?